



.hareholder Activism一般译为股东权益运动、股东积极主义、 积极股东行动主义、股东行动主义。 . 所谓的股东积极主义,就是当上市公司董事会的决策, 不符合股东利益,身为「有识之士」股东的就纠集力量, 令董事会改组,甚或逼管理层下台。此处所谓股东, 其实并非一般小股东,而是以以机构投资者为主的股市中实户。 他们积极参与公司治理的动力, 主要取决于持股成本与发动改革的收益的比较。 具体决定于机构投资者的持股比例、持股时间和监督成本等. 机构投资人对公司治理的态度, 已倾向以企业经营模式来发挥其最大的影响力。 . 机构投资人自期为投资大众的”守门员” -Watch Dog,强调监督『经营责任』 (Management Accountability),更为自己追求最大『股东价值』 (Shareholder Value)。Wall Street Rules 衍成Market-Based Governance Model 。 . 股东积极主义近年在欧洲搞得如火如荼, 更可为小股东带来相当的回报。据一份在伦敦商学院(London Business School)研讨会上发表的独立学术研究指, 英国的法律及文化环境极为适合股东权益运动壮大规模, 学者追踪一个名为Hermes UK Focus Fund 的表现,发现该基金在研究期间, 专门锁定一些股价落后大盘或被低估了的公司,经营绩效差、 公司治理品质与内涵不良、法人持股比重高、 内部人持股比重低之企业作投资对象,投资额占被锁定公司的1% 至15%权益,然后针对公司治理、 财务结构等导致股价积弱的原因,作出积极参与, 例如与管理层谈判,甚至撤换董事会成员。 值得留意的是,该基金很少在公开的股东会高调行事, 反而多在幕后发招,以达到提高派息率、改善认股权等目的。 而在这些公司大动作的公布期前后, 有关公司的股价表现往往脱胎换骨,此亦正是该基金的杰作。 在亚洲,南韩的三星电子也开始正视类似的股东集体挑战, 香港民间非营利机构民主人民团结组织(People's Solidarity for Participatory Democracy;PSPD)前(2005) 年就曾经在股东大会上,对总裁担任董事的提案,集结到3.75% 的反对票,虽未足以左右大局,但对当地企业界已响起警讯, 更代表股东权益运动的起步。正如PSPD在其创立宣言中所言述, "We are going to raise the flag of Solidarity for a society in which everyone can he a voice, and people with diligence and honesty may lead life they deserve.To be the real sovereigns of the country, we should become watchdogs of the , screening the daily decision-making process it derives its power from." 说明把公民参与的意识带到公司治理的范畴。 前(2004)年,德国证券(Duetsche Borse)想收购英国伦敦证券。 岂知拥有德国证券8%股权的TCI突然出手, 一手放空伦敦证券的股票,另一手联合美林证券、 富达基金等德国证券股东,反对德国证券的收购建议, 最后搞到德国证券的行政总裁Werner Seifert在2004年5月9日仓皇下台。 . 机构投资者积极参与公司治理,可以克服小股东治理激励不足, 弥补大股东内部控制的缺陷。




It is the most important tasks in school to make students know how to learn and think, how to learn efficiently and how to learn as much knowledge as possible in the limited time. Try to find a suitable learning method can make one get twice the result with half the effort.


But there are various kinds of learning methods, so according to one's characteristics every student should radically explore a set of good methods of one's own to meet one's need for learning. In one's learning, combining knowledge with learning methods, the student not only can master the basic knowledge of every subject, but also can combine learning some science with research methods, so as to train oneself to engage in effective learning, work and oain the ability to explore the unknown. With these abilities, the student can learn faster and better, when the student grow ups, the one can get more and innovative capacity to work independently.

哈尼和马弗德(Honey&Mumford,1992)的学习风格模型 4个学习风格1.激进主义者2.理论主义者3.实用主义者4.反思者。就很好诠释了不同人根据自己的特点来归纳出自己是属于哪种的学习风格。

The learning styles model of Honey & Mumford,1992 is as follows: 1. Activist, 2. Theorist, 3. Pragmatist, 4. Reflector, which well annotate the learning styles to which the people belong according to their characteristics of different people.

根据哈尼和马弗德(Honey&Mumford,1992)的学习风格模型 4个学习风格 1.激进主义者:喜欢新经验、参与活动、直觉性的决策和团队工作,但是并不喜欢执行或贯彻程序。




According to the four learning styles model of Honey & Mumford,

1. Activists (Do)

Immerse themselves fully in new experiences

Enjoy here and now

Open minded, enthusiastic, flexible

Act first, consider consequences later

Seek to centre activity around themselves

2. Theorists (Conclude)

Think through problems in a logical manner, value rationality and objectivity

Assimilate disparate facts into coherent theories

Disciplined, aiming to fit things into rational order

Keen on basic assumptions, principles, theories, models and systems thinking

3. Pragmatists (Plan)

Keen to put ideas, theories and techniques into practice

Search new ideas and experiment

Act quickly and confidently on ideas, gets straight to the point

Are impatient with endless discussion

4. Reflectors (Review)

Stand back and observe

Cautious, take a back seat

Collect and analyze data about experience and events, slow to reach conclusions

Use information from past, present and immediate observations to maintain a big picture perspective.


Through summarization, I find that I belong to 2. theorists and 3. pragmatists. According to my usual ways of learning, when I learn knowledge, I pay more attention to the concept and logic of knowledge. During my learning, I will systematically make my own corresponding study plans instead of relying on my intuition to learn arbitrarily. For example, learning geography today then maths tomorrow is not my learning styles. Only the real reliable theory is what I believe and rely on. When learning new knowledge, I will like new learning experience and acquire knowledge by discussion through mutual cooperation among the team.


Facing the four learning styles, I feel that there are things for me to need to improve. For example, in the learning styles of reflectors, I myself only predict the outcome of the study, and am only concerned about what is to learn, instead of caring about how to do can make me learn better. This needs to improve. In the learning styles of activists, although I like new learning experience, I don't like to be a person who will carry out the learning processes.


During the learning processes, according to the four learning styles, one should make up for one's deficiency by learning from others' strong points, adopt the merits of the four learning styles, and get rid of their shortcomings and deficiencies in order to make one's learning styles more perfect and oneself learn better.






But if non-activist policies result in large swings in inflation rates, they, too, might produce financial instability and unfair wealth distribution.



The latter is really an argument for a non-activist monetary policy, the kind that is generally preferred in continental Europe.



校内经历: Campus activities:

2005.9-2006.7加入造船工程学会。 To join the Institution of Nal Architecture in school

2006.9 -2007.3在校图书馆做图书管理工作。 To manage the school library.

2007.4-2008.7在学生处做文档管理,报纸分发等工作。Files arrangement and newspapers distributions in school student division.

社会实践: Social practice:

2006-2007参加浦东图书馆 “世博英语”志愿者活动,表现优异。 Good performances of Expo Volunteeers at library in Pudong

2006.9做过为期一周的交通协管工作,得到好评。 Well reputaions from assisting the traffic for a week.

2006.10-2006.11在永乐店为长虹电视做宣传与销售,得到好评。 To gain recognitions from promotion of Changhong Television at surpermarket.

2007.10-2007.11在育锋轮航行实习三周往返于中韩。 To practise in Yu Feng Liner for three weeks' daily trips between China and Korean.

荣誉与奖励: Rewards:

2005-2006上海海事大学校仪仗队队员聘请书。 Written invititaion of honor guard teamer given by Shanghai Maritime University.

2006-2007获“内务标兵”称号。 To gain a name of Superior of Affairs.

2007-2008获优秀团员称号。 To get a name of Excellent League Member.

2008-2009获校三好积极分子。To oain Merit and Activity member.

2006-2007,2007-2008获得两次国家励志助学金。To earn twice country encouraged stipend.

2008-2009获得校专业三等奖学金。 To attain scholarship of speciality from school.

自我评价: Self-evaluation:

精力充沛,热衷于工作和生活。Full of energy, high on my life and work.

做事持久努力,坚韧不拔。 To work hard constantly.

平易近人,自信乐观,为人诚恳,性格开朗 ,富有创造力 ,有较强的组织能力和团队精神,工作积极进取,态度认真。 folksy, confident, optimical and hnor maners , plesant personality, abundant creative ability, and strong organize capability and team spirit, and the work attitude is thrustful and serious.

愿意学习,有问题积极处理不逃避。 Be willing to study, to solve problems actively and brely.

有良好的表达能力,具有冷静分析的品质和习惯。Good communication skills and straight thinking quality and habit.

社区 是指一个有明显门槛的场域,内部有一群相对固定的人定期开展某种形式的互动 。在这个定义之下,许多UGC内容平台(如B站)、互联网媒体(如公众号、微博)以及线下空间都具有某种社区属性。


社群,简单来说就是社区中的人员。 这群人普遍有某种共性,比如都对社区内容有熟悉度(共同常识)或者对社区品牌忠诚度高(共同价值观)。 社群成员但是根据参与程度高低可分成活跃者core member(10%)和参与者participants(90%),而活跃者又可以分成行动者activist (1%)和支持者supporter(9%)。他们的关系是,行动者发起新项目,早期被支持者发掘和传播,然后项目在更广泛的参与者中得到二次创作和传播。

空间,也就是社群人员长期聚会的场所 。这个概念可以是线上应用或者线下实体的形式,但是有一个固定的时间和地点会有一些社区活动发生。社区属性的空间需要有相应的社群功能设计,使得社群人员更好的使用空间功能参与社区活动,比如UGC创作工具(抖音),发布/上传功能,项目展示区等。

活动 ,是社群和空间的交互形式。 优秀的活动设计会注重每一位个体在其中的体验,结合社区成员的共性,引导人们深度参与并得到收获。线上活动可以帮助社群成员跨地域产生联系,而线下活动则有利于人际关系的沉淀(大多数情况,只有见过面的人才算得上是朋友)。常规活动的设计可以帮助社群成员和空间更好的交互,让整个社区保持热度。主题活动可以激活社区热度,带来比较集中而明显的活跃度增长。

内容 ,是社区中的一切信息。 从社群成员介绍,空间历史到活动产出,每一条信息都可以被记录分享,并且以加工成某种大众的形式在社区外传播(文章、音频、)。对于外界来说,在不了解社区机制、不认识社群成员、没参加社群活动的情况下,内容是社区品牌最重要的载体,可以帮助吸引和筛选新的成员加入,并且让社区获得、经验和影响力的累积和成长。