


4.做(不好的事) 英文单词是什么 我只知道是co。。。 后面我就不知道了



impunity_impunity 翻译


Underage girl;the girl not yet of age



Coach Sain, step away from the underage girls.


Her daughter is the girl that not yet of age.


I must he been a cute little girl.?


Investors are by now familiar with the immaturity and the insider trading in the Chinese market.


未成年男孩:Underage boy

成年女性:Adult female

成年男性:Adult male








 Lyu Xinhua, spoke *** an for the 12th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, talks to media on the sidelines of a news conference on Monday. Wei Xiaohao / China Daily

 香港凤凰卫视女记者问: *** 反腐风暴不会停止,有消息称最近有更大的老虎落马,请问如何理解“更大的老虎”?

 吕新华说:党和 *** ,还有人民群众,在反腐的问题上,我们的态度是一致的。我套用一个网络热词就叫:大家都很任性。在这一点上,没有分歧。



 I should say, the Party, the , and the general public actually adopt the same attitude when it es to anti-corruption. So we can be said to be capricious in fighting against corruption, and we are entitled to be so.



 现场翻译用这句话巧妙解释了这一含义:No one has impunity.(没有人可以免罚。)


 Lyu said that in fighting corruption it's important to deal with any and all of it. There will be no "iron-cap princes" that he immunity, he said.(吕新华表示,在反腐斗争中,发现一起查处一起,发现多少查处多少,没有不受查处的“铁帽子王”。)


 "Iron-cap princes" refers to 12 special princes during the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) whose princely titles were to be "passed on forever" through generations. Other princes' sons could only inherit a title at a lower level.


 铁帽子王和其他亲王相比,享有的特权一是“世袭罔替”, 隔代不降爵;二是俸禄优厚,岁俸银1万两,禄米1万斛;三是赐予世袭罔替王府,又叫铁帽子王府。


Power (right) receives all proofs when saying in one sentence and will offer to you it is and preserve silence and your hing said.

你有权保持沉默 但你所说的每一句话都将成为承堂证供

"We know nothing as yet of the conspiracy, monsieur; all the papers found he been sealed up and placed on your desk. The prisoner himself is named Edmond Dantès, mate on board the three-master the Pharaon, trading in cotton with Alexandria and Smyrna, and belonging to Morrel & Son, of Marseilles."

"Before he entered the merchant service, had he ever served in the marines?"

"Oh, no, monsieur, he is very young."

"How old?"

"Nine or twenty at the most."

At this moment, and as Villefort had arrived at the corner of the Rue des Conseils, a man, who seemed to he been waiting for him, roached; it was M. Morrel.

"Ah, M. de Villefort," cried he, "I am delighted to see you. Some of your people he committed the strangest mistake--they he just arrested Edmond Dantès, mate of my vessel."

"I know it, monsieur," replied Villefort, "and I am now going to examine him."

"Oh," said Morrel, carried away by his friendship, "you do not know him, and I do. He is the most estimable, the most trustworthy creature in the world, and I will venture to say, there is not a better seaman in all the merchant service. Oh, M. de Villefort, I beseech your indulgence for him."

Villefort, as we he seen, belonged to the aristocratic party at Marseilles, Morrel to the plebeian; the first was a royalist, the other suspected of Bonapartism. Villefort looked disdainfully at Morrel, and replied,--

"You are aware, monsieur, that a man may be estimable and trustworthy in private life, and the best seaman in the merchant service, and yet be, politically speaking, a great criminal. Is it not true?"

The magistrate laid emphasis on these words, as if he wished to ly them to the owner himself, while his eyes seemed to plunge into the heart of one who, interceding for another, had himself need of indulgence. Morrel reddened, for his own conscience was not quite clear on politics; besides, what Dantès had told him of his interview with the grand-marshal, and what the emperor had said to him, embarrassed him. He replied, however,--

"I entreat you, M. de Villefort, be, as you always are, kind and equitable, and give him back to us soon."

This give us sounded revolutionary in the deputy's ears.

"Ah, ah," murmured he, "is Dantès then a member of some Carbonari society, that his protector thus employs the collective form? He was, if I recollect, arrested in a tern, in company with a great many others." Then he added, "Monsieur, you may rest assured I shall perform my duty impartially, and that if he be innocent you shall not he ealed to me in vain; should he, however, be guilty, in this present epoch, impunity would furnish a dangerous example, and I must do my duty."

As he had now arrived at the door of his own house, which adjoined the Palais de Justice, he entered, after hing, coldly saluted the shipowner, who stood, as if petrified, on the spot where Villefort had left him. The ante-chamber was full of police agents and gendarmes, in the midst of whom, carefully watched, but calm and smiling, stood the prisoner. Villefort trersed the ante-chamber, cast a side glance at Dantès, and taking a packet which a gendarme offered him, diseared, saying, "Bring in the prisoner."

Rapid as had been Villefort's glance, it had served to give him an idea of the man he was about to interrogate. He had recognized intelligence in the high forehead, courage in the dark eye and bent brow, and frankness in the thick lips that showed a set of pearly teeth. Villefort's first impression was forable; but he had been so often warned to mistrust first impulses, that he lied the maxim to the impression, forgetting the difference between the two words. He stifled, therefore, the feelings of compassion that were rising, composed his features, and sat down, grim and sombre, at his desk. An instant after Dantès entered. He was pale, but calm and collected, and saluting his judge with easy politeness, looked round for a seat, as if he had been in M. Morrel's salon. It was then that he encountered for the first time Villefort's look,--that look peculiar to the magistrate, who, while seeming to read the thoughts of others, betrays nothing of his own.

"Who and what are you?" demanded Villefort, turning over a pile of papers, containing information relative to the prisoner, that a police agent had given to him on his entry, and that, already, in an hour's time, had swelled to voluminous proportions, thanks to the corrupt espionage of which "the accused" is always made the victim.

"My name is Edmond Dantès," replied the young man calmly; "I am mate of the Pharaon, belonging to Messrs. Morrel & Son."

"Your age?" continued Villefort.

"Nine," returned Dantès.

"What were you doing at the moment you were arrested?"

"I was at the festival of my marriage, monsieur," said the young man, his voice slightly tremulous, so great was the contrast between that hy moment and the painful ceremony he was now undergoing; so great was the contrast between the sombre aspect of M. de Villefort and the radiant face of Mercédès.

"You were at the festival of your marriage?" said the deputy, shuddering in spite of himself.

"Yes, monsieur; I am on the point of marrying a young girl I he been attached to for three years." Villefort, impassive as he was, was struck with this coincidence; and the tremulous voice of Dantès, surprised in the midst of his hiness, struck a sympathetic chord in his own bosom--he also was on the point of being married, and he was summoned from his own hiness to destroy that of another. "This philosophic reflection," thought he, "will make a great sensation at M. de Saint-Méran's;" and he arranged mentally, while Dantès awaited further questions, the antithesis by which orators often create a reputation for eloquence. When this speech was arranged, Villefort turned to Dantès.

"Go on, sir," said he.

"What would you he me say?"

"Give all the information in your power."

"Tell me on which point you desire information, and I will tell all I know; only," added he, with a smile, "I warn you I know very little."

"He you served under the usurper?"

"I was about to be mustered into the Royal Marines when he fell."

"It is reported your political opinions are extreme," said Villefort, who had never heard anything of the kind, but was not sorry to make this inquiry, as if it were an accusation.

"My political opinions!" replied Dantès. "Alas, sir, I never had any opinions. I am hardly nine; I know nothing; I he no part to play. If I oain the situation I desire, I shall owe it to M. Morrel. Thus all my opinions--I will not say public, but private--are confined to these three sentiment,--I love my father, I respect M. Morrel, and I adore Mercédès. This, sir, is all I can tell you, and you see how uninteresting it is." As Dantès spoke, Villefort gazed at his ingenuous and open countenance, and recollected the words of Renée, who, without knowing who the culprit was, had besought his indulgence for him. With the deputy's knowledge of crime and criminals, every word the young man uttered convinced him more and more of his innocence. This lad, for he was scarcely a man,--simple, natural, eloquent with that eloquence of the heart never found when sought for; full of affection for everybody, because he was hy, and because hiness renders even the wicked good--extended his affection even to his judge, spite of Villefort's severe look and stern accent. Dantès seemed full of kindness.

"Pardieu!" said Villefort, "he is a noble fellow. I hope I shall gain Renée's for easily by obeying the first command she ever imposed on me. I shall he at least a pressure of the hand in public, and a sweet kiss in private." Full of this idea, Villefort's face became so joyous, that when he turned to Dantès, the latter, who had watched the change on his physiognomy, was smiling also.

"Sir," said Villefort, "he you any enemies, at least, that you know."

"I he enemies?" replied Dantès; "my position is not sufficiently elevated for that. As for my disposition, that is, perhaps, somewhat too hasty; but I he striven to repress it. I he had ten or twelve sailors under me, and if you question them, they will tell you that they love and respect me, not as a father, for I am too young, but as an elder brother."

"But you may he excited jealousy. You are about to become captain at nine--an elevated post; you are about to marry a pretty girl, who loves you; and these two pieces of good fortune may he excited the envy of some one."

"You are right; you know men better than I do, and what you say may possibly be the case, I confess; but if such persons are among my acquaintances I prefer not to know it, because then I should be forced to hate them."

"You are wrong; you should always strive to see clearly around you. You seem a worthy young man; I will depart from the strict line of my duty to aid you in discovering the author of this accusation. Here is the paper; do you know the writing?" As he spoke, Villefort drew the letter from his pocket, and presented it to Dantès. Dantès read it. A cloud passed over his brow as he said,--

"No, monsieur, I do not know the writing, and yet it is tolerably plain. Whoever did it writes well. I am very fortunate," added he, looking gratefully at Villefort, "to be examined by such a man as you; for this envious person is a real enemy." And by the rapid glance that the young man's eyes shot forth, Villefort saw how much energy lay hid beneath this mildness.

"Now," said the deputy, "answer me frankly, not as a prisoner to a judge, but as one man to another who takes an interest in him, what truth is there in the accusation contained in this anonymous letter?" And Villefort threw disdainfully on his desk the letter Dantès had just given back to him.

"None at all. I will tell you the real facts. I swear by my honor as a sailor, by my love for Mercédès, by the life of my father"--

"Speak, monsieur," said Villefort. Then, internally, "If Renée could see me, I hope she would be satisfied, and would no longer call me a decapitator."

"Well, when we quitted Naples, Captain Leclere was attacked with a brain fever. As we had no doctor on board, and he was so anxious to arrive at Elba, that he would not touch at any other port, his disorder rose to such a height, that at the end of the third day, feeling he was dying, he called me to him. 'My dear Dantès,' said he, 'swear to perform what I am going to tell you, for it is a matter of the deepest importance.'

"'I swear, captain,' replied I.

"'Well, as after my death the command devolves on you as mate, assume the command, and bear up for the Island of Elba, disembark at Porto-Ferrajo, ask for the grand-marshal, give him this letter--perhaps they will give you another letter, and charge you with a commission. You will accomplish what I was to he done, and derive all the honor and profit from it.'

"'I will do it, captain; but perhaps I shall not be admitted to the grand marshal's presence as easily as you expect?'

"'Here is a ring that will oain audience of him, and remove every difficulty,' said the captain. At these words he ge me a ring. It was time--two hours after he was delirious; the next day he died."

"And what did you do then?"

"What I ought to he done, and what every one would he done in my place. Everywhere the last requests of a dying man are sacred; but with a sailor the last requests of his superior are commands. I sailed for the Island of Elba, where I arrived the next day; I ordered everybody to remain on board, and went on shore alone. As I had expected, I found some difficulty in oaining access to the grand-marshal; but I sent the ring I had received from the captain to him, and was instantly admitted. He questioned me concerning Captain Leclere's death; and, as the latter had told me, ge me a letter to carry on to a person in Paris. I undertook it because it was what my captain had bade me do. I landed here, regulated the affairs of the vessel, and hastened to visit my affianced bride, whom I found more lovely than ever. Thanks to M. Morrel, all the forms were got over; in a word I was, as I told you, at my marriage-feast; and I should he been married in an hour, and to-morrow I intended to start for Paris, had I not been arrested on this charge which you as well as I now see to be unjust."

"Ah," said Villefort, "this seems to me the truth. If you he been culpable, it was imprudence, and this imprudence was in obedience to the orders of your captain. Give up this letter you he brought from Elba, and pass your word you will ear should you be required, and go and rejoin your friends.

"I am free, then, sir?" cried Dantès joyfully.

"Yes; but first give me this letter."

"You he it already, for it was taken from me with some others which I see in that packet."

"Stop a moment," said the deputy, as Dantès took his hat and gloves. "To whom is it addressed?"

"To Monsieur Noirtier, Rue Coq-Héron, Paris." Had a thunderbolt fallen into the room, Villefort could not he been more stupefied. He sank into his seat, and hastily turning over the packet, drew forth the fatal letter, at which he glanced with an expression of terror.

"M. Noirtier, Rue Coq-Héron, No. 13," murmured he, growing still paler.

"Yes," said Dantès; "do you know him?"

"No," replied Villefort; "a faithful servant of the king does not know conspirators."

"It is a conspiracy, then?" asked Dantès, who after believing himself free, now began to feel a tenfold alarm. "I he, however, already told you, sir, I was entirely ignorant of the contents of the letter."

"Yes; but you knew the name of the person to whom it was addressed," said Villefort.

"I was forced to read the address to know to whom to give it."

"He you shown this letter to any one?" asked Villefort, becoming still more pale.

"To no one, on my honor."

"Everybody is ignorant that you are the bearer of a letter from the Island of Elba, and addressed to M. Noirtier?"

"Everybody, except the person who ge it to me."

"And that was too much, far too much," murmured Villefort. Villefort's brow darkened more and more, his white lips and clinched teeth filled Dantès with rehension. After reading the letter, Villefort covered his face with his hands.

"Oh," said Dantès timidly, "what is the matter?" Villefort made no answer, but raised his head at the expiration of a few seconds, and again perused the letter.

"And you say that you are ignorant of the contents of this letter?"

"I give you my word of honor, sir," said Dantès; "but what is the matter? You are ill--shall I ring for assistance?--shall I call?"

"No," said Villefort, rising hastily; "stay where you are. It is for me to give orders here, and not you."

"Monsieur," replied Dantès proudly, "it was only to summon assistance for you."

"I want none; it was a temporary indisposition. Attend to yourself; answer me." Dantès waited, expecting a question, but in vain. Villefort fell back on his chair, passed his hand over his brow, moist with perspiration, and, for the third time, read the letter.

"Oh, if he knows the contents of this!" murmured he, "and that Noirtier is the father of Villefort, I am lost!" And he fixed his eyes upon Edmond as if he would he penetrated his thoughts.

"Oh, it is impossible to dou it," cried he, suddenly.

"In heen's name!" cried the unhy young man, "if you dou me, question me; I will answer you." Villefort made a violent effort, and in a tone he strove to render firm,--

"Sir," said he, "I am no longer able, as I had hoped, to restore you immediately to liberty; before doing so, I must consult the trial justice; what my own feeling is you already know."

"Oh, monsieur," cried Dantès, "you he been rather a friend than a judge."

"Well, I must detain you some time longer, but I will strive to make it as short as possible. The principal charge against you is this letter, and you see"--Villefort roached the fire, cast it in, and waited until it was entirely consumed.

"You see, I destroy it?"

"Oh," exclaimed Dantès, "you are goodness itself."

"Listen," continued Villefort; "you can now he confidence in me after what I he done."

"Oh, command, and I will obey."

"Listen; this is not a command, but advice I give you."

"Speak, and I will follow your advice."

"I shall detain you until this evening in the Palais de Justice. Should any one else interrogate you, say to him what you he said to me, but do not breathe a word of this letter."

"I promise." It was Villefort who seemed to entreat, and the prisoner who reassured him.

"You see," continued he, glancing toward the grate, where fragments of burnt paper fluttered in the flames, "the letter is destroyed; you and I alone know of its existence; should you, therefore, be questioned, deny all knowledge of it--deny it boldly, and you are sed."

"Be satisfied; I will deny it."

"It was the only letter you had?"

"It was."

"Swear it."

"I swear it."

Villefort rang. A police agent entered. Villefort whispered some words in his ear, to which the officer replied by a motion of his head.

"Follow him," said Villefort to Dantès. Dantès saluted Villefort and retired. Hardly had the door closed when Villefort threw himself half-fainting into a chair.

"Alas, alas," murmured he, "if the procureur himself had been at Marseilles I should he been ruined. This accursed letter would he destroyed all my hopes. Oh, my father, must your past career always interfere with my successes?" Suddenly a light passed over his face, a smile played round his set mouth, and his haggard eyes were fixed in thought.

"This will do," said he, "and from this letter, which might he ruined me, I will make my fortune. Now to the work I he in hand." And after hing assured himself that the prisoner was gone, the deputy procureur hastened to the house of his betrothed.


这是我在网上找的罗丹明言的英文版,感觉第二句似乎是你想要的。其他的供参考 :)

1.Art is contemplation. It is the pleasure of the mind which searches into nature and which there divines the spirit of which nature herself is animated.

Auguste Rodin

2.I choose a block of marble and chop off whatever I don't need.

Auguste Rodin

3.I invent nothing, I rediscover.

Auguste Rodin

4.Inside you there's an artist you don't know about. He's not interested in how things look different in moonlight.

Auguste Rodin

5.Man's naked form belongs to no particular moment in history; it is eternal, and can be looked upon with joy by the people of all ages.

Auguste Rodin

6。Nobody does good to men with impunity.

Auguste Rodin

7.Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely.

Auguste Rodin

8.Sculpture is the art of the hole and the lump.

Auguste Rodin

9.The artist is the confidant of nature, flowers carry on dialogues with him through the graceful bending of their stems and the harmoniously tinted nuances of their blossoms. Every flower has a cordial word which nature directs towards him.

Auguste Rodin

10.The artist must create a spark before he can make a fire and before art is born, the artist must be ready to be consumed by the fire of his own creation.

Auguste Rodin

11.The modes of expression of men of genius differ as much as their souls, and it is impossible to say that in some among them, drawing and color are better or worse than in others.

Auguste Rodin

12.There are unknown forces in nature; when we give ourselves wholly to her, without reserve, she lends them to us; she shows us these forms, which our watching eyes do not see, which our intelligence does not understand or suspect.

Auguste Rodin

13.To any artist, worthy of the name, all in nature is beautiful, because his eyes, fearlessly accepting all exterior truth, read there, as in an open book, all the inner truth.

Auguste Rodin

14.To the artist there is never anything ugly in nature.

Auguste Rodin

15.True artists are almost the only men who do their work for pleasure.

Auguste Rodin

做(不好的事) 英文单词是什么 我只知道是co。。。 后面我就不知道了








































passive to active, give full play to our main role in the study on e-campus, you can ask questions and impunity, to figure out until the date, sometimes boring textbooks on some mechanical knowledge in the Internet has become interesting Hengsheng, so that the enthusiasm of learning greatly enhanced followed by exchange of ideas among netizens, on life, to Jieyou Chou, enlighten minds and can overcome the shyness face-to-face psychological and shame Niu feelings, so that everyone hy to participate in, hy to show self - To improve learning ability and communication skills, these are the benefits. On the other hand the state on the management of Internet cafes there are still many inadequacies, coupled with some owners to see the money forgotten, "Germany", the temptation we patronize illegal sites, resulting in a virtual world indulge their unable addition of our secondary school students as a special group, Physical and mental development is imperfect, lead us to akrasia poor, dependent, weak ability to distinguish right from wrong, so we sometimes can not correctly handle Internet issues, such as some people too infatuated with the Internet chat, games, the spiritual emptiness and distorted view of life, World outlook and values, and some even committed crimes of the road, these are Qibi.

And remember that a friend had discussed the issue said the sentence: "Network is a double-edged sword, with a beautiful but toxic." Today, the network into an irresistible trend of our lives. For our secondary school students Internet access issues, should not be reduced to blocking, the key lies in the correct guidance, into two to look at the impact of the Internet, choose the best for its own use, one pair of society to become useful people.

in order that [后接从句]为了,以…为目的,目的在于,旨在 They worked hard in order that they might succeed.他们努力工作,以便能够获得成功.I lent him my bike in order that he could se time.我把自行车借给他,以便他能节省一些时间.We often do good in order that we may do evil with impunity.我们常常是为了可以不受惩罚地做坏事而做好事.so that 1.为的是,以便 2.以至于 The ink had faded so that many words were illegible.墨水有已褪色的以便许多字是难辨认的.Pass the cake round so that everyone can take a piece.把蛋糕拿去传一圈,让每个人都可以分到一块.I drink this poison so that we can be together forever.我喝下这个毒药,这样我们就能永远在一起了.