
2.罗列各国男星时装周帅气发型 时尚不乏个性



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Crop circles are patterns created by the flattening of crops such as wheat, barley, rye, or corn. The term crop circle entered the Oxford Dictionary in 1990.

Self-described pranksters Doug Bower and Dave Chorley claimed to have started the crop circle phenomenon in 1978.[1] Their work is continued by other groups of crop circle makers such as the circlemakers arts collective founded by John Lundberg in the early 1990s.[2]

It has been claimed that evidence suggesting these formations are caused by some force other than humans is found in hundreds of photographs of bent or warped growth nodes. Biophysicist W. C. Levengood's Crop Circle Reports are an example of claimed evidence and research gathered that attempts to show that these types of crop circles with these type of node-warping are clearly not man-made, and that they are not simply snapped and broken from impact or crushing, but by some intense focus of energy such as microwaves or spinning plasma vortex as concluded by Levengood.[3]

While it has been suggested that ball lightning and vortices in the wind might rarely produce isolated indentations in crops, neither is capable of the complex and often delicate patterns seen in more elaborate crop circles.


1678 pamphlet on the "Mowing-Devil"The earliest recorded image resembling a crop circle is depicted in an English woodcut pamphlet published in 1678 called the "Mowing-Devil". The image depicts a demon with a scythe mowing [4] an oval design in a field of oats. The pamphlet's text reads as follows:

Being a True Relation of a Farmer, who Bargaining with a Poor Mower, about the Cutting down Three Half Acres of Oats, upon the Mower's asking too much, the Farmer swore "That the Devil should Mow it, rather than He." And so it fell out, that that very Night, the Crop of Oats shew'd as if it had been all of a Flame, but next Morning appear'd so neatly Mow'd by the Devil, or some Infernal Spirit, that no Mortal Man was able to do the like.

Also, How the said Oats ly now in the Field, and the Owner has not Power to fetch them away.

A more recent historical report of crop circles was published in Nature, volume 22, pp. 290–291, 29 July 1880, and republished in the January 2000 issue of the Journal of Meteorology.[5] It describes the 1880 investigations by amateur scientist John Rand Capron:

"The storms about this part of Western Surrey have been lately local and violent, and the effects produced in some instances curious. Visiting a neighbour's farm on Wednesday evening (21st), we found a field of standing wheat considerably knocked about, not as an entirety, but in patches forming, as viewed from a distance, circular spots....I could not trace locally any circumstances accounting for the peculiar forms of the patches in the field, nor indicating whether it was wind or rain, or both combined, which had caused them, beyond the general evidence everywhere of heavy rainfall. They were suggestive to me of some cyclonic wind action,..."[6]

There are also many other anecdotal accounts of crop circles in Ufology literature that predate the modern crop circle phenomena, though some cases involve crops which were cut or burnt, rather than flattened.[7][8]

A crop circle in the form of a Triskelion[edit] Patterns

Early examples of crop circles were usually simple circular patterns of various sizes. After some years, more complex geometric patterns emerged. In addition to circle designs based on sacred geometry, some of the later formations, those occurring after 2000, are based on other principles, including fractals. Many crop circles now have fine intricate detail, regular symmetry and careful composition. Elements of three-dimensionality have been introduced, and some crop circles appear to be inspired by animals or religious symbols.[9]

[edit] Creators

In 1991, two men from Southampton, England, announced that they had conceived the idea as a prank at a pub near Winchester, Hampshire, during an evening in 1976. Inspired by the 1966 Tully Saucer Nests,[10] Doug Bower and Dave Chorley made their crop circles using planks, rope, hats and wire as their only tools: using a four-foot-long plank attached to a rope, they easily created circles eight feet in diameter. The two men were able to make a 40-foot (12 m) circle in 15 minutes.

The pair became frustrated when their work did not receive significant publicity, so in 1981, they created a circle in Matterley Bowl, a natural amphitheatre just outside Winchester, Hampshire—an area surrounded by roads from which a clear view of the field is available to drivers passing by. Their designs were at first simple circles. When newspapers claimed that the circles could easily be explained by natural phenomena, Bower and Chorley made more complex patterns. A simple wire with a loop, hanging down from a cap—the loop positioned over one eye—could be used to focus on a landmark to aid in the creation of straight lines. Later designs of crop circles became increasingly complicated.

Bower's wife had become suspicious of him, noticing high levels of mileage in their car. Eventually, fearing that his wife suspected him of adultery, Bower confessed to her, and subsequently, he and Chorley informed a British national newspaper. Chorley died in 1996, and Doug Bower has made crop circles as recently as 2004. Bower has said that, had it not been for his wife's suspicions, he would have taken the secret to his deathbed, never revealing that it was a hoax.[11]

Circlemakers.org, a group of crop circle makers founded by John Lundberg, have demonstrated that making what self-appointed cereologist experts state are "unfakeable" crop circles is possible. On more than one occasion, such cereologists have claimed that a crop circle was "genuine" when in fact the people making the circle had previously been filmed making the circle.[12]

A crop circle in SwitzerlandScientific American published an article by Matt Ridley,[13] who started making crop circles in northern England in 1991. He wrote about how easy it is to develop techniques using simple tools that can easily fool later observers. He reported on "expert" sources such as the Wall Street Journal who had been easily fooled and mused about why people want to believe supernatural explanations for phenomena that are not yet explained. Methods to create a crop circle are now well documented on the Internet.[14]

On the night of July 11–12, 1992, a crop-circle making competition, for a prize of several thousand UK pounds (partly funded by the Arthur Koestler Foundation), was held in Berkshire. The winning entry was produced by three helicopter engineers, using rope, PVC pipe, a trestle and a ladder. Another competitor used a small garden roller, a plank and some rope.

In 1992 Hungarian youths Gábor Takács and Róbert Dallos, both then 17, were the first people to be legally charged after creating a crop circle. Takács and Dallos, of the St. Stephen Agricultural Technicum, a high school in Hungary specializing in agriculture, created a 36-meter diameter crop circle in a wheat field near Székesfehérvár, 43 miles (69 km) southwest of Budapest, on June 8, 1992. On September 3, the pair appeared on Hungarian TV and exposed the circle as a hoax, showing photos of the field before and after the circle was made. As a result, Aranykalász Co., the owners of the land, sued the youngsters for 630,000 HUF (approximately $3000 USD) in damages. The presiding judge ruled that the students were only responsible for the damage caused in the 36-meter diameter circle, amounting to about 6,000 HUF (approximately $30 USD), and that 99% of the damage to the crops was caused by the thousands of visitors who flocked to Székesfehérvár following the media's promotion of the circle. The fine was eventually paid by the TV show, as were the students' legal fees.[citation needed]

罗列各国男星时装周帅气发型 时尚不乏个性


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在日前英国伦敦2014春夏男装周Burberry Prorsum的开幕式上,各国明星争相来助阵。其中我国男星陈坤、方大同及陈柏霖也亮相时装周开模式,他们帅气的造型让他们的开幕式上赚足了大家的眼球,此外,还有诸多的国外男星,他们个性的装扮也是开幕式上的一大亮点!

Jamie Campbell Bower


演员歌手Jamie Campbell Bower的发型同样很个性不羁。凌乱随意的发型造型随性而有范,任由乱发和刘海搭在脸上让原本普通的中短发发型变得很不同。

Serge Pizzorno


作为音乐创作人的Serge Pizzorno发行极具艺术家性质。弧形齐刘海的长发发型十分突出,蓬松凌乱的卷发更具个性,这款女性化的男生长发发型令人眼前一亮。

Tinie Tempah


Tinie Tempah的寸头短发发型很适合他说唱歌手的身份,这个无修饰无造作的发型搭配大牌时装也毫不逊色,同样散发时尚魅力。

Greg James


著名主持Greg James以简单的男生发型出席发布会,将额头上方和头顶头发随性造型,往上拉扯,显得十分俊朗。

Douglas Booth


90后英国男模Douglas Booth一头爽朗的男生斜刘海发型,看上去也十分时尚大方。发丝质感稍显硬朗,造型效果不错。





Hugh Dancy


似乎一众男星都倾向于没有刘海的发型,连荷里活演员Hugh Dancy也不例外,将刘海稍往后梳理造型的短卷发,简单而不失风度。

Eros Galbiati


著名演员Eros Galbiati同样以三七分无刘海发型亮相,经典优雅的发型充分展现了熟男魅力。







David Gandy


英国著名男模David Gandy以三七分没有刘海的发型亮相,卷烫的刘海部分往后梳,保持卷曲的立体感,十分英俊潇洒。



辉门公司(英文名Federal Mogul,又译为菲特尔·莫古)始创于1899年,公司总部位于美国密歇根州的萨斯菲尔德市,是一个全球性汽车零配件制造供应商。






公司始建于1899 年美国底特律市,创始合伙人是J. Howard

Muzzy 和Edward F. Lyon,公司最初名为Muzzy Lyon Company。Muzzy和Lyon

从生产磨坊消耗品和橡胶产品开始其商业生涯。此外,两位合伙人还创建了一个分公司,名为Mogul Metal


和“Duro”。除了巴氏合金,Muzzy和Lyon 还因首创了根据相应尺寸和形状定制铸造轴承的工艺而闻名。

Muzzy Lyon


Company 后来与Federal Bearings and Bushings

Corporation(一家发动机轴承和衬套制造公司)合并。Federal Bearings & BushingsCo. 始建于1915

年,由一群底特律商人创建。该公司最初包括Mogul Metal 和Federal and Bower Roller Bearing

Co.,后于1924年合并组成Federal-Mogul-Bower Bearings, Inc.。合并后的公司开始生产以前的Muzzy

Lyon Company 不能供应的铜轴瓦。为了进一步巩固成功,整个Muzzy Lyon Company 与FederalBearings

and Bushing 公司于1924年组成了辉门公司。

为了使新合并公司持续发展,1929 年,该集团在“Battelle

Memorial 研究所”的协助之下创建了研究部门。在“经济大萧条”时期,辉门公司坚持对Equi-Poise



1932年,公司开发出名为C-100 的新合金,是自巴氏合金发现以来的首个新型轴瓦材料。辉门公司的研究团队在1934年对C-100 进行改进,创造了C-50 合金。两种产品之间的革新大幅提高了轴瓦市场的耐用性。

1955年,公司收购了National Motor Bearing

Co.,从此公司更名为Federal-Mogul Bower。在收购另一家公司之后的一年,Federal-MogulBower

的总销售额增长至1 亿美元,跻身“财富500 强企业”,排名350。为了进一步扩展Federal-Mogul


年在比利时的安特卫普市开始创立其首家海外服务中心。继续产品扩展之路,Federal-MogulBower 的Arrowhead 部门在1963

年为NASA(美国航空航天局)的土星探测器制造元件。1965年4 月,在与Sterling Aluminum Products

合并后,公司名称改回为Federal-Mogul Corporation(辉门公司)。

1966 年,辉门公司将其总部从底特律市区迁出,在密歇根州的萨斯菲尔德市建立了公司的新总部。

1981 年,辉门Arrowhead 零部件应用在NASA

航天器发射中。同年,公司赢得了“最高法院”裁决的关于一种固化橡胶工艺的专利主张,该工艺以瑞典化学家Svante Arrhenius 于1889


1998年,公司收购了Cooper Industries

及其品牌,包括Anco 雨刮Champion®点火产品、MOOG底盘、Wagner和Abex 摩擦产品以及Wagner

和Blazer 照明产品。同年,辉门还收购了 Turner &

Newall,这是一家总部位于英国曼彻斯特市的建筑材料公司。Turner& Newall

是石棉类产品的全球最大制造商之一,包括以南非矿产蓝青石棉制成的产品。Turner & Newall 是英国利兹Armley

石棉灾难的责任方。随并购而产生的巨额产品责任赔付是辉门于2002 年根据“联邦第11 章”申请破产的主要原因。

在公司重组期间,辉门公司收购了多家公司,包括Robert G.

Evans Co.、Hanauer MachineWorks, Inc.、Metaltec,Inc., Mather Co. 和Fel-Pro,

Inc.。公司于2008 年1 月脱离“第十一章”破产保护,并于2008年4月以A 类普通股在NASDAQ 上市,交易代码FDML。

2010年6 月,辉门进一步将其业务扩展至亚洲,在中国上海创办了一流的总部和技术中心。该亚太总部和技术中心具备动力系统测功机和车辆刹车检测车间等工艺。该工厂为动力系统和车辆客户提供了更佳技术支持,并进行了先进的技术开发。

辉门于2010 年6 月收购了Daros Group,一家私有活塞供应商,为工业能源生产和商业运输所用的大缸径发动机提供活塞。集团的收购业务遍及中国、瑞典和德国。收购Daros 后增加了双冲程和四冲程活塞环产品,强化了辉门在工业活塞环市场的地位。

2012 年3


年4 月1 日正式被任命为主机厂分部的首席执行官。2012年6 月,MichaelT. Broderick 被选为辉门售后市场分[1]?部的首席执行官。

2012 年7 月,辉门宣布了向BorgWarner Inc. 收购BERU 火花塞业务的决定性协议。



AE, Seal-Power, Payen, Ferodo, Glyco, National Oil Seal, Goetze 等等。






辉门荣获PACE 奖项的创新产品包括:

2003: Wagner®ThermoQuiet® 刹车片和制动蹄

2006: Monosteel® 活塞

2007: Goetze® 金刚石涂层(GDC®)

高温合金(HTA) 排气垫

2010: DuraBowl® 活塞增强工艺


Profile 雨刮片卡口连接系统

2011: EcoTough® 涂层活塞

低摩擦LKZ® 油环

2012: 用于“内冷油道柴油活塞”的双维(2D) 超声检测

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